Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Ode on Hot Packs....

     My Dearest Hot Pack

    Oh my lovely hot pack, you're always there for me.
    In Winter time you're so useful and we all love you.
    You are very comforting because you're so warm.
    Oh how I feel wonderful when you are with me.

    Oh my hot pack, my hot pack you are like my best friend!
    You are a best friend who I can carry around anywhere,
    You are a best friend who I can always rely on when it is cold
    You make my pocket hot, which keeps my hands warm.
I thank you, I praise you for all you've done to me.

Oh hot pack, you're all different sizes!
Some of you are big, some of you are small and some of you guys are mini.
Some of you mini ones, you are so cute.
Some of you small ones fit exactly in my pocket!
Some of you big ones keep me the warmest.
Therefore, I thank you the biggest one of them all.

Oh hot pack, my amazing and fantastic hot pack, I cannot live without you.
You are so kindhearted and oh how freezing would it be without you.
I will miss you in summer time,
And I'd like to thank you for all you've done to me...

                                       Ji Won 


  1. Jiwon,

    You did a good job on your ode. You used very descriptive language and methaphors in your ode. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi!
    You wrote a nice ode to your hot pack. It was very interesting to read your ode. You also made good use of the pictures. Keep up the good work~

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)

  3. I love hot packs too!
    I cannot bear to think how I will live without hot packs....
